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 [³o½g¤å³¹³Ì«á¥Ñnirwa¦b 2011/01/04 08:41pm ²Ä 5 ¦¸½s¿è]
¾Ç¦W : Mammillaria hernandezii

²§¾Ç¦W : Bartschella hernandezii
²§¦W©Î«U¦W : §J¤ó¤Y

¬ì§O : ¥P¤H´x ( Cactaceae )
­ì¥Í¦a : ¾¥¦è­ô¤¤³¡¤§ Oaxaca ¬Ù¤s°Ï
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 [³o½g¤å³¹³Ì«á¥Ñnirwa¦b 2010/08/06 03:40pm ²Ä 1 ¦¸½s¿è]
¥»«~ºØ³Ì¤jªº¯S¦â¦b©ó¥¦ªºªG¹ê¬O " ÁôªG ( cryptocarpic fruit ) ", ¥¦ªºªG¹ê¦¨¼ô«á¨Ã¤£¥~ÅS©ó´ÓÅé¥~, ¥Ñ¤@Á¡½¤¥]»qÂéó²ô¤¤¥i¹F¼Æ¦~, ­Y´ÓÅé§l¤ô¹L¦h¤~¥i¯àÄÀ¥XºØ¤l.

³oÃþ¦³ÁôªGªº«~ºØ°£¤F M. hernandezii , ÁÙ¦³ M. theresea , M. saboae , M. longiflora ssp. longiflora , M. longiflora ssp. stampferi , M. luethyi , M. napina , M. solisioides ( ¥b®I¦b²ô·F¤¤ ) µ¥ M ÄÝ«~ºØ, °£¤F³o¨Ç M. ÄÝ«~, ©|¥]¬A Yavia cryptocarpa .

®Ú¾Ú¤@½g¬ã¨s³ø§i ( Serotiny and seed germination in three threatened species of Mammillaria  (Cactaceae) , Basic and Applied Ecology 2006, Volume 7, Issue 6, 1 November 2006, Pages 533-544 ), M ÄݨãÁôªG¤£¦Pªº«~ºØ¹ï©óºØ¤lªº¦¨¼ô¥H¤Î®É¶¡«O¦s¤W¹ïºØ¤lµoªÞªº¼vÅT¬Ò¦³©Ò¤£¦P. ¥H¤U¬O¸Ó¤åªºÁ`µ².


Individuals of some species of Mammillaria (Cactaceae) store some seeds on the plant over periods exceeding 1 year (serotiny). We examined the phenomenon of serotiny and germination behaviour of three rare and endangered Mammillaria species that occur in central Mexico.

The species with the highest seed retention was Mammillaria solisioides, whose individuals kept on average 24% of their total seed crop throughout their observable lifetime. Individuals of Mammillaria napina and Mammillaria hernandezii did not differ in their degree of seed retention (about 5%). In M. solisioides and M. hernandezii, seed germination declined significantly with seed age, whereas in M. napina germination increased slightly. In all three species, over 70% of retained seeds were still alive after 8 years.

Increasing fractions of dormant seeds were observed with seed age in M. solisioides and M. hernandezii, whereas in M. napina this fraction followed the opposite trend. All three species showed strict light dependence for germination.

Serotiny was positively correlated with the harshness of the environment when species and populations were assumed independent. However, these correlations were not significant at the 5% level when the degree of relatedness of species and populations was taken into account using phylogenetically independent constrasts.

We hypothesise that serotiny in these species represents a mechanism by which they can cope with a harsh, unpredictable environment. To our knowledge, this is the first assessment of serotiny in cacti.

¨ä¤¤¦³­ÓÃöÁä¦r Serotiny ( ªG²ó¤§©µ¿ð¶}µõ©Ê ), §YºØ¤l¦¨¼ô©óªG²ó¤¤¨Ã¥¼§¹¥þ±i¶}¡A¦Ó¬O±NºØ¤l«O¦s©óªG²ó¤º¤@¬q®É¶¡¡AªG²ó©ó¬Y¨Çª¬ªp¤~³°Äò±i¶}±NºØ¤lÄÀ©ñ.

Wikipedia ¤Wªº¦Wµü¸ÑÄÀ : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotiny

¨ÏªG¹êµõ¶}¦ÓÄÀ¥XºØ¤lªº¥i¯àª¬ªp¦³ :

1. ¥À®è©ÎªþµÛªG²óªºªK·F¦º¤` ( necriscence )
2. ªG²ó±µÄ²Àã®ð ( hygriscence )
3. ªG²ó¨ü¬YºØµ{«×ªº¤é·Ó¦Ó·Å«×¤Wª@ ( soliscence )
4. ¤£¨}ªºªÅ®ðª¬ªp ( xyriscence )
5. ªG²ó³Q¤õ¯N¹L©ÎÂt¹L ( pyriscence )
6. ªG²ó³Q¤õ¯N¹L©ÎÂt¹L, ¦A±µµÛ±µÄ²Àã®ð ( pyrohydriscence )

³o¨Ç M Äݪº«~ºØ¥H¤Î Yavia cryptocarpa ·|¦³³oºØªG²ó¤§©µ¿ð¶}µõ, À³»P¨ä­ì¥Í¦aÄY­VªºÀô¹Ò¦³Ãö, ¥H¾AÀ³·í¦aªº´c¦H®ð­Ô©ÎÀô¹Ò.

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2010/07/16 11:18am¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 2981 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 


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