This ¨§¨§ took 1 - 1.5 week to bloom. After it is in full bloomed, it only last 1-2 days.... so fast and so sad. I wonder if this is the natural behavior or I did not take care of it correctly? It has been raining here every evening. I just left it under a tree without any shelter.
¤j·§j´«®y¦ì, Cirrhopetalum acuminatum Ridl. is a synonym of Bulbophyllum acuminatum (Ridl.) Ridl. ¬üÄõÁ`¦³¦n®y¦ì, ¨§ÄõÄÝ Bulbophyllum Bulbophyllum acuminatum (Ridl.) Ridl. is an accepted name,