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¶ð¤º´Óª«¶é ¡÷ [ ½º»P¸¿ ] [ªð¦^] ¡÷ ÂsÄý¡GI need Taiwanese butterflies f ...¡@ ¼Ð°O½×¾Â©Ò¦³¤º®e¬°¤wŪ¨ú 

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 * ¤å³¹¥DÃD¡G I need Taiwanese butterflies for my research   ¥»¤å³¹¦³°ÝÃD¡A¶Ç°eµu°T®§³ø§iµ¹ª©¥D  ¥[¨ì§Úªº³Ì·R&Ãöª`¥»¤å³¹  Åã¥Ü¥i¦C¦Lªºª©¥»  §â¥»¤å³¹¥[¨ì§Úªº³Ì·R   
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 Dear friends,

I am a French entomologist and I need Taiwanese butterflies for my research. I can pay for them or provide many interesting species from Europe and China. I need butterflies with full data of collecting.

If someone can collect some species for me, he will deeply help me in my research!

I am especially looking for Delias wilemani and Delias lativitta formosana... and every other endemic species.

Please contact me,
Dr. Olivier Pequin

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2003/03/19 10:40pm¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 486 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 
 ªù¬£: ½ÞÀY

¸ê®Æ: ¦¹·|­û¥Ø«e¤£¦b½u¤W
«Â±æ: +1
¾y¤O: ¾y¤O: 14489
¸gÅç: ¸gÅç: 14614
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µo¤å: 2239 ½g
ºëµØ: 0 ½g
¦b½u: 51 ®É 43 ¤À 29 ¬í
µù¥U: 2001/12/11
Message ¬d¬Ý¡@·j´M¡@³q°T¿ý¡@½Æ»s¡@¤Þ¥Î¡@¦^ÂФ峹¦^ÂС@[²Ä 2 ¼Ó]
 Excuse me, we are not the 3rd world country, which sells the natural resources for the so-called scientific studies. If you're really a qualified entomologist, you should contact the qualified lepidopterist in Taiwan, but not post such message. If you only want to collect specimens for your personal interest, you should go some Japanese or Taiwanese insect dealers.

I am not sure which kind of "research" you have been doing, but as far as I know, you're an insect dealer.

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2003/03/20 05:13am¡@¦¹ IP ¬°¥N²z¦øªA¾¹IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 486 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 
 ªù¬£: ¥]³»ÀV

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«Â±æ: +9
¾y¤O: ¾y¤O: 1000073515
¸gÅç: ¸gÅç: 1000046987
¨Ó¦Û: ·Å­ôµØ¡@Canada
µo¤å: 5473 ½g
ºëµØ: 2 ½g
¦b½u: 583 ®É 19 ¤À 11 ¬í
µù¥U: 2002/03/14
Message ¬d¬Ý¡@·j´M¡@³q°T¿ý¡@½Æ»s¡@¤Þ¥Î¡@¦^ÂФ峹¦^ÂС@[²Ä 3 ¼Ó]
 [³o½g¤å³¹³Ì«á¥ÑChandaiman69¦b 2003/03/20 08:47am ²Ä 1 ¦¸½s¿è]
Zygamann, that depends !
Insect dealer can be entomologist as well !
BUT, if he post HERE and ask for the said specimens in shipments of hundreds & thousands,
he better explain what sort of research he is conducting. I think genuine exchange of specimens
for the sake of personal collection is acceptable. Wholesale trading advertising has no place in
this forum. We welcome members as enthusiasts, even dealers can be enthuiasts. But any
discussion of trading of natural resources is not entertained here.........VERBOTEN.

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2003/03/20 08:34am¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 618 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 
 ªù¬£: ½ÞÀY

¸ê®Æ: ¦¹·|­û¥Ø«e¤£¦b½u¤W
«Â±æ: +1
¾y¤O: ¾y¤O: 14489
¸gÅç: ¸gÅç: 14614
¨Ó¦Û: «O±K¡@blank
µo¤å: 2239 ½g
ºëµØ: 0 ½g
¦b½u: 51 ®É 43 ¤À 29 ¬í
µù¥U: 2001/12/11
Message ¬d¬Ý¡@·j´M¡@³q°T¿ý¡@½Æ»s¡@¤Þ¥Î¡@¦^ÂФ峹¦^ÂС@[²Ä 4 ¼Ó]
 certainly I know that "it depends". However, I am not sure if any specimen exchange should be involved to "money" and "payment" as stated by the original post! To be honest, I am reluctant to see insect trading in this website, either it's in a small amount or in hundreds, and especially in the so-called scientific studies. Then, I do believe that any qualified entomologist shouldn't be involved to commercial activities, it's 2003, not 19th or the early 20th centuries!

If Olivier is still keen to get some specimens of Delias from Taiwan for his own purposes, I suppose he should have known some Japanese and Taiwanese dealers (eg CC Loh) who can offer the specimens in reasonable prices.

I just want to address the differeces between "personal collecting" and "scientific researches". Nowadays any scientist should take the responsibility to maintain the natural resources of either their own states of the country their researches involve with. Have you seen any guy who publically post to buy Lucanus beetle from UK or to buy some rare subspecies of Maculinea in Europe?

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2003/03/20 08:13pm¡@¦¹ IP ¬°¥N²z¦øªA¾¹IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 1136 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 


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