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Message ¬d¬Ý¡@·j´M¡@³q°T¿ý¡@½Æ»s¡@¤Þ¥Î¡@¦^ÂФ峹¦^ÂС@[¼Ó ¥D]
 The aim of the study was to examine the effects of different photoperiod and light integral on floral initiation,

development and subsequent growth of Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn.

seedlings of ¡¥Echo Blue¡¦ and ¡¥Fuji Deep Blue¡¦ were placed under short day (SD, 10 h) and were
transferred to long days (LD, 20 h) at 2-week intervals from 6 to 14 weeks after seeding.
¡¥Echo Blue¡¦ and ¡¥Fuji Deep Blue ¦b­]¤ì¤»­Ó¬P´Á¤j®ÉºØ´Ó µM«á©ñ¸m¦bµu¤é·Ó10¤p®É2­Ó¬P´Á«á²¾Âà¨ìªø¤é·Ó¤U6¨ì14©P.
initiated flower buds regardless of light regimes. Flower bud initiation was delayed by SD compared
to LD;
´Óª«ªáªÞ¤§³Ð©l ¤£ºÞ¥ú¶q.¦bµu¤é·Ó¤UªáªÞ³Q©µ¿ð©óªø¤é·Ó¤ñ¸û¤§¤U.
plants transferred after 6 weeks from seeding initiated flower buds at least 21 and 10 days
earlier at LD at high (HL) and, low (LL) daily light integral  respectively
ªáªÞÂಾºØ´Ó¤§«á6©P¦Ü¤Ö21.¦­10¤Ñ­Ó§O¦a¦b high (HL) ¤é²Ö¿n¥ú¶q©Mlow (LL) ¤é²Ö¿n¥ú¶q.

, compared to those at SD.
Light regimes had little or no effect on time to flower bud development after initiation.
¬Û¸û©óµu¤é·Ó¥ú¶q ´X¥G¨S¦³¼vÅT¦b¶}©l¤§«áªáªÞªºµo®i
Thus, it seems
likely that LD and HL affected the initiation rather than development.
¦]¦¹. ¥¦¦ü¥G¦³¥i¯à LD ©M HL ¼vÅT¤FªáªÞ¶}©l¨Ã«Dµo®i

Both the photoperiod and light
integral strongly influenced the subsequent growth after initiation. SD delayed the time to visible bud
¥ú¶g´Á©M¥ú ±j¦³¤O¦a¼vÅT¶}©l«áªº¥Íªø.µu¤é·Ó©µ¿ð¤F©úÅ㪺ªÞ.

increased the number of nodes to first open flower,
number of branches,
stem diameter and
shoot dry weight compared to LD.

HL promoted flowering and increased several shoot characteristics
and flowering compared to LL.

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2006/11/16 11:53pm¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 1940 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 
 ÀY»Î: ½×¾Âª©¥D
 ªù¬£: ÁôÂê©

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¸gÅç: ¸gÅç: 17358
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ºëµØ: 1 ½g
¸ê®Æ: ¡@
¦b½u: 457 ®É 09 ¤À 45 ¬í
µù¥U: 2004/08/22
Message ¬d¬Ý¡@·j´M¡@³q°T¿ý¡@½Æ»s¡@¤Þ¥Î¡@¦^ÂФ峹¦^ÂС@[²Ä 2 ¼Ó]
 [³o½g¤å³¹³Ì«á¥Ñnirwa¦b 2006/11/19 00:31am ²Ä 1 ¦¸½s¿è]
±zªºÄ¶¤å¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³«Ü¬O¥Î¬Y¨Çºô­¶¨Ó¥þ¤å½Ķªº, Â_¥y¤]·Pı©Ç©Çªº, ·Pı¬Û·í¤£³q¶¶...
§Ú¤£¬O¾Ç´Óª«¬ÛÃöªº, ©Ò¥H¹ï¤å¤¤ªº¤@¨Ç¦Wµü¤£¼ô.


The aim of the study was to examine the effects of different photoperiod and light integral on floral initiation, development and subsequent growth of Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.)Shinn.

¥»¬ã¨sªº¥Ø¼Ð¦b©ó±´°Q Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.)Shinn ¹ï©ó¤£¦P¥ú¶g´Á©M¥ú²Ö¿n¶q¹ï©óªáªº»¤¾É, µo¨|©M«áÄò¦¨ªøªº¼vÅT.

Six-weeks-old seedlings of ¡¥Echo Blue¡¦ and ¡¥Fuji Deep Blue¡¦ were placed under short day (SD, 10 h) and were transferred to long days (LD, 20 h) at 2-week intervals from 6 to 14 weeks after seeding.

¦b¼½ºØ 6 ~ 14 ¶g«á, ¥H¤»¶g¤jªº¡¥Echo Blue¡¦©M¡¥Fuji Deep Blue¡¦¥®­]¥ý¸m©ñ¦bµu¤é·Ó¤U ( SD, 10 ¤p®É ), ¤§«á¦A¸m©ñ¦bªø¤é·Ó ( LD, ¦@ 20 ¤p®É ), ¤À§O¦U¥H¨â¶gªº®É¶¡¨Ó¥æ¤e¶¡¹j¨Ó·Ó®g.

Plants initiated flower buds regardless of light regimes. Flower bud initiation was delayed by SD compared to LD; plants transferred after 6 weeks from seeding initiated flower buds at least 21 and 10 days earlier at LD at high (HL) and, low (LL) daily light integral  respectively compared to those at SD.

´Óª«ªáªÞµo¨|¤§»¤¾É»P¥ú¶qµLÃö. ¦Ó»Pªø¤é·Ó ( LD ) ¤ñ¸û, ¸ÕÅç´Óª«¦bµu¤é·Ó ( SD ) ¤U, ¨äªáªÞ¸ûºC²£¥Í; ¥t¥~, ´Óª«µoªÞ 6©P«á²¾´Ó·|¶}©lªøªá­c, °ª¤é·Ó¶q ( HL ) ©M§C¤é·Ó¶q ( LL ) ¤À§O¬O¦Ü¤Ö21¤Ñ©M§ó¦­­Ó10¤Ñ.

Light regimes had little or no effect on time to flower bud development after initiation. Thus, it seems likely that LD and HL affected the initiation rather than development. ·Ó¥ú¶qªº¦h¹è¹ï©ó»¤¾É«áªáªÞªºµo¨|¹Lµ{¥u¦³·¥¤Öªº¼vÅT©Î¨S¦³¼vÅT. ¦]¦¹. LD ©M HL ¤ñ¸û¥i¯à¬O¼vÅT¤FªáªÞ»¤¾É¨Ã«D«áÄòªºµo¨|¹Lµ{.

Both the photoperiod and light integral strongly influenced the subsequent growth after initiation. SD delayed the time to visible bud (VB), increased the number of nodes to first open flower, number of branches, stem diameter and shoot dry weight compared to LD.

¥ú¶g´Á©M¥ú²Ö¿n¶q¨âªÌ¬Ò¥i¬Û·íµ{«×¦a¼vÅTªáªº»¤¾É«áªº«áÄò¦¨ªø. ¬Û¸û©óLD, SD ·|©µ¿ð¦×²´¥i¨£ªáªÞªºµo¨|®É¶¡, ¥H¤Î¼W¥[¶}²Ä¤@¦·ªá²ô¸` ( nodes ) ªº¼Æ¥Ø, ¤ÀªKªº¼Æ¥Ø, ²ôªºª½®|©M°¼®Ú(?, §Y shoot )  °®òñ«áªº­«¶q.

HL promoted flowering and increased several shoot characteristics
and flowering compared to LL.

HL ¬Û¸û©ó LL «h§ó¯à«P¶i¶}ªá©M¼W¶i°¼®Ú¥Íªøªº¯S©Ê.


ªá¤F¤@ÂI®É¶¡Ä¶§¹¤§«á, ·Pı³oÀ³¸Ó¬O¤@½g¬ã¨s¤åÄmªººK­n¤º®e ( abstract )...
¶ÃĶ¤@³q, ±z°Ñ¦Ò¬Ý¬Ý§a~

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2006/11/19 00:24am¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 2465 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 

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§Ú¬O¥ÎDR EYE ¸ò¹q¤l¦r¨å½ªº.
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µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2006/11/19 09:50pm¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 124 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 
 ÀY»Î: ½×¾Âª©¥D
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µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2006/11/21 08:40am¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 211 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 


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