- 塔內植物園 (/tbgweb/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: Rainforest Sorry i can read Chinese but have problems writing it. So here is a link to share with you, this beautiful bulbophyllum. Enjoy http://forum.theorchidsource.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=38;t=008817
-- 作者: hbh 好多花,好漂亮!!
-- 作者: rainforest Thank you hbh...
-- 作者: amosyu peter!種得真好!這個是KK來的嗎?
-- 作者: Rainforest Kuching Sunday Market....bought in 2004 from Haji
-- 作者: amosyu 看來我是錯過那美好年代了,不過我在KK有買到!haji現在開始賣木頭了...!
-- 作者: Rainforest Amos, i just cant grow the pink bulbo which i got from you the last two times. Guess i grew them too wet. Have to see you again to get some more!!! Cheerio
-- 作者: sulo
Very beautiful bulb.