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-- §@ªÌ¡G wendy ®aùتº¨§Äõ [UploadFile=DSC04298_1169090618.jpg] ¤µ¤Ñµo²{¥¦ªº·sªÞ¦³½¦ª¬ª« ÁÂÁ [UploadFile=DSC04300_1169090658.jpg]
-- §@ªÌ¡G EnergyStar ¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³¬O°²²y²ô»GÄê«áªº²£ª«¡AºNºN¬Ý¨º¤@²É·|¤£·|³n³nªº¡AY§_¡A§Ú´N¤£²M·¡¨º¬O¤°»ò¤F¡C
-- §@ªÌ¡G Rainforest Wendy, thats natural for a few species of bulbophyllum... dont worry too much.. If you find that not to your liking, wipe it off CAREFULLY with tissue paper, otherwise just leave it alone. BUT remember not to allow water to collect on the sticky stuff because it would ROT the plant. Your plant seems to be like this one of mine... Bulbophyllum anceps